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Drums Along the Amazon by Indradyumna Swami


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Risking life-threatening diseases, piranhas, venomous snakes, crocodiles and deadly quicksand, Indradyumna Swami brings the Holy Name to the tribes of the Amazon. A serendipitous encounter with the Governess of the Amazon...

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Risking life-threatening diseases, piranhas, venomous snakes, crocodiles and deadly quicksand, Indradyumna Swami brings the Holy Name to the tribes of the Amazon.

A serendipitous encounter with the Governess of the Amazon in 1988, paves the way for Indradyumna Swami to lead a group of devotees up the Amazon River to remote jungle villages.

Travel with him as they brave the risks, and witnesses the openness of the native people to the spirituality of the Bhakti tradition.


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